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Understanding Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy

As a therapist with extensive experience, I’m excited to have joined the team at Keta Medical Center, where I am providing Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) to interested patients. KAP is an innovative approach that blends the transformative power of ketamine treatments with the immediate support of psychotherapy to create lasting change. As patients experience the unique sensations of ketamine, research shows that working with a specialized KAP therapist helps to deepen, expand, and sustain the positive effects.

Throughout my career, I have helped individuals address a range of mental health concerns, including depression, anxiety, and PTSD. I use a variety of modalities to assist clients in their efforts to navigate challenges and achieve identified goals, but I am most inspired by the effectiveness of incorporating ketamine. When administered in a safe setting with physician-oversight, the medicine serves as a powerful aid that allows people to make significant progress very quickly.

How Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy Works

Ketamine assisted therapy typically begins with one to three preparation sessions to set the foundation for the journey ahead. I think of myself as a compassionate and supportive partner in the therapeutic relationship, guiding clients to gain deeper insights and facilitating the process of getting “unstuck.” We explore strengths and how to connect to the ‘inner healer’ – the hopeful, resilient and confident aspects of self. This helps set the stage to embrace a positive mindset and address core issues with focused intentions. We also review educational information on how the medicine works and go over questions in order to alleviate concerns.

KAP: Step by Step

After the initial sessions where we explore a client’s history, presenting symptoms and identify goals, the ketamine treatment begins. Whether administered through IV infusion or Spravato nasal spray, ketamine treatments offer a transformative experience, inducing an altered state of consciousness that feels like a dream. Each individual’s journey is distinct—some may find themselves enveloped in deep relaxation they describe as a blissful nap or an incredible ‘massage of the soul.’ Others talk about vivid narratives populated by familiar faces, while some may even encounter a profound sense of spiritual transcendence.

Regardless of the specific feelings or revelations that arise during the approximately 40-60 minute treatment in the Keta Medical Center office, the true transformation begins once the treatment concludes.

The effects of ketamine create a biological change in brain chemistry known as neuroplasticity. This allows individuals to “loosen” the usual mental barriers, so they can more easily access difficult emotions, memories and thoughts in a safe therapeutic setting.

Within 24-48 hours after the medicine is administered, we meet for ‘integration’ therapy sessions to process the experience. This neuroplastic window is ideal for ‘rewiring the brain,’ creating new neural pathways, and shifting into positive change.

Transforming from Within

During integration sessions, I encourage individuals to tap into their own INNER HEALERS—the inherent part of themselves that gains clarity as they release negative beliefs and behaviors that no longer serve them. Clients are guided to utilize new tools and reframe narratives to foster a deeper and easier commitment toward transformation.

At some point in the booster or maintenance phase of treatment, clients are referred back to their primary therapists to continue building upon their progress. I fully embrace the opportunity to collaborate with outside practitioners, forming a holistic care team that ensures each patient’s ongoing personal growth beyond their ketamine experience.

KAP at a Glance: The Key Benefits of Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy

  1. Rapid Relief: Research shows that ketamine can lead to rapid improvements in symptoms of depression, anxiety, PTSD and other mental health conditions, sometimes within hours of the treatment.
  2. Enhanced Insight: The altered state of consciousness induced by ketamine can facilitate unique insights and perspectives, enabling patients to confront and address sensitive issues more openly without getting overwhelmed.
  3. Breaking Negative Patterns: KAP may help patients break free from entrenched negative thought patterns or trauma responses, fostering a sense of empowerment and hope.
  4. Supportive Environment: The integration of psychotherapy allows for a supportive and safe space to process difficult emotions and experiences, ensuring that healing is holistic and meaningful. Receiving the treatments in a warm, welcoming and safe environment also has a significant impact on success rates.

Who Can KAP Help?

Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy may be beneficial for individuals struggling with:

  • Treatment-resistant depression
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Suicidal ideation
  • Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
  • Other mood disorders

Become Your Best Self

Ketamine treatments can serve as a powerful catalyst for helping people turn their insights into actionable change, evolving into their best selves. As a Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapist, I look forward to embarking on this journey together.

If you are interested in learning more about KAP or scheduling an appointment with our in-house therapist, Stacey Blume Frankel, please reach out!

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